Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NluaUtility functions related to lua configuration file parsing
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyIntegrate over a transfer function on energy described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyBaseHelper class for binned transfer function modules
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyEvaluatorEvaluate a transfer function on energy described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPtIntegrate over a transfer function on Pt described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPtBaseHelper class for binned transfer function modules
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPtEvaluatorEvaluate a transfer function on Pt described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file
 CBlockAFinal (main) Block A, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to p_1 + p_2 + X\)
 CBlockB\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block B, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{12} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_2)\)
 CBlockC\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block C, describing \(s_{123} (\to p_3 + s_{12} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_2))\)
 CBlockD\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block D, describing \(X + s_{134} (\to p_4 + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3)) + s_{256} (\to p_6 + s_{25} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_5))\)
 CBlockE\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block E, describing \(\hat{s} \to X + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3) + s_{24} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_4)\)
 CBlockF\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block F, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3) + s_{24} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_4)\)
 CBlockGFinal (main) Block G, describing \(X + s_{12} (\to p_1 p_2) + s_{34} (\to p_3 p_4)\)
 CBreitWignerGeneratorGenerate points distributed according to a Breit-Wigner
 CBuildInitialStateBuild the initial partons given the whole final state
 CConfigurationA frozen snapshot of the configuration file
 CConfigurationReaderA lua configuration file parser
 CConstantA module declaring a constant
 CCounterA module counting the number of entries in a vector
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnPFlat transfer function on |P| (mainly for testing purposes)
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnPhiFlat transfer function on Phi (mainly for testing purposes)
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnThetaFlat transfer function on Theta (mainly for testing purposes)
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergyIntegrate over a transfer function on energy described by a Gaussian distribution
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergyBaseHelper class for Gaussian transfer function modules
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergyEvaluatorEvaluate a transfer function on energy described by a Gaussian distribution
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPtIntegrate over a transfer function on Pt described by a Gaussian distribution
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPtBaseHelper class for Gaussian transfer function modules
 CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPtEvaluatorEvaluate a transfer function on Pt described by a Gaussian distribution
 CILuaCallbackNotification callback used for communication between the lua file and MoMEMta
 CInputTagAn identifier of a module's output
 Cis_string< std::string >
 CLinearCombinatorPerforms linear combination of templated terms
 CLooperA module looping over a set of solutions
 CLooperSummerA module performing a sum over a set of values
 CMatrixElementCompute the integrand: matrix element, PDFs, jacobians
 CModuleParent class for all the modules
 CMoMEMtaA MoMEMta instance
 CNarrowWidthApproximationUse the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA) to reduce the dimensionality of the integration
 CParameterSetA class encapsulating a lua table
 CPathAn execution path
 CPermutatorApply random permutations to a set of inputs
 CPluginFactory< Interface *(Args...)>
 CPrinterA module printing the value of an input
 CPrinter< std::vector< T > >Specialization of Printer for std::vector
 CSecondaryBlockA\(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block A, describing \(s_{1234} \to ( s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to \cancel{p_1} + p_2) + p_3 ) + p_4\)
 CSecondaryBlockB\(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block B, describing \(s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to \cancel{p_1} + p_2) + p_3 \)
 CSecondaryBlockCDSecondary Block C/D, describing \(s_{12} \to p_1 + p_2\)
 CSecondaryBlockE\(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block E, describing \(s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to p_1 + p_2) + p_3 \)
 CSimpleCounterA simple module counting the number of time it has been called
 CSolutionGeneric solution structure representing a set of particles, along with its jacobian
 CStandardPhaseSpaceCompute the phase space density for observed particles (not concerned by the change of variable)
 CUniformGeneratorGenerate a random point uniformly in a user-set range
 CValueA class representing a value produced by a module