Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NgraphGeneric graph representation of the module hierarchy
 NluaUtility functions related to lua configuration file parsing
 Cinvalid_configuration_file< Thrown if the configuration file is not valid
 CLazyLazy value in lua (delayed evaluation)
 CLazyFunctionLazy function in lua (delayed function evaluation)
 CLazyTableFieldLazy table field in lua (delayed table access)
 Chash< InputTag >Std::hash specialization for InputTag
 CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyTransfer function on energy described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file
 CBlockB\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block B, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{12} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_2)\)
 CBlockD\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block D, describing \(X + s_{134} (\to p_4 + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3)) + s_{256} (\to p_6 + s_{25} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_5))\)
 CBlockF\(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block F, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3) + s_{24} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_4)\)
 CBreitWignerGeneratorGenerate points distributed according to a Breit-Wigner
 CBuildInitialStateBuild the initial partons given the whole final state
 CConfigurationA frozen snapshot of the configuration file
 CModuleA module defined from the configuration file
 CConfigurationReaderA lua configuration file parser
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnPFlat transfer function on |P| (mainly for testing purposes)
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnPhiFlat transfer function on Phi (mainly for testing purposes)
 CFlatTransferFunctionOnThetaFlat transfer function on Theta (mainly for testing purposes)
 CGaussianTransferFunctionTransfer function on energy described by a Gaussian distribution
 CInputTagAn identifier of a module's output
 CIOnModuleDeclaredNotification callback fired when a module is declared
 Cis_string< std::string >
 CMatrixElementCompute the integrand: matrix element, PDFs, jacobians
 CModuleParent class for all the modules
 CMoMEMtaA MoMEMta instance
 CNarrowWidthApproximationUse the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA) to reduce the dimensionality of the integration
 CParameterSetA class encapsulating a lua table
 CElementA small wrapper around a boost::any value
 CPermutatorApply random permutations to a set of inputs
 CPluginFactory< Interface *(Args...)>
 CUniformGeneratorGenerate a random point uniformly in a user-set range