Cmomemta::any | |
Cmomemta::ArgDef | Defines an input / output |
Cmomemta::AttrDef | Defines an attribute |
CSLHA::Block | |
Cmomemta::ComputationGraph | |
Cmomemta::ComputationGraphBuilder | |
CConfiguration | A frozen snapshot of the configuration file |
Cmomemta::Edge | An edge of the graph, symbolizing the connection between two modules (an InputTag) |
CParameterSet::Element | A small wrapper around a momemta::any value |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::empty_struct | |
►Cexception | |
Cmomemta::gtl::bad_optional_access | |
CExecutionPath | |
►Clogger::formatter | |
►Clogger::full_formatter | |
Clogger::ansi_color_full_formatter | |
Cmomemta::graph_writer | |
Cmomemta::graph_writer_wrapper | |
Cstd::hash< InputTag > | Std::hash specialization for InputTag |
Cstd::hash<::momemta::gtl::optional< T > > | |
Cmomemta::StringPiece::Hasher | |
►CILuaCallback | Notification callback used for communication between the lua file and MoMEMta |
CConfigurationReader | A lua configuration file parser |
CLuaCallbackMock | |
Cmomemta::gtl::in_place_t | |
Cmomemta::gtl::nullopt_t::init_t | |
CInputTag | An identifier of a module's output |
►Cintegral_constant | |
Cis_string< T > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::is_constructible_convertible_assignable_from_optional< T, U > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::is_constructible_convertible_from_optional< T, U > | |
►Clua::Lazy | Lazy value in lua (delayed evaluation) |
Clua::LazyFunction | Lazy function in lua (delayed function evaluation) |
Clua::LazyTableField | Lazy table field in lua (delayed table access) |
CLibraryManager | |
Clogger::details::log_msg | |
Clogger::logger | |
CLorentzVector_from_python | |
CLorentzVector_to_python | |
Cmomemta::MatrixElement | |
Cmomemta::MEParameters | |
►CModule | Parent class for all the modules |
►CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyBase | Helper class for binned transfer function modules |
CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergy | Integrate over a transfer function on energy described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file |
CBinnedTransferFunctionOnEnergyEvaluator | Evaluate a transfer function on energy described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file |
►CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPtBase | Helper class for binned transfer function modules |
CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPt | Integrate over a transfer function on Pt described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file |
CBinnedTransferFunctionOnPtEvaluator | Evaluate a transfer function on Pt described by a 2D histogram retrieved from a ROOT file |
CBlockA | Final (main) Block A, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to p_1 + p_2 + X\) |
CBlockB | \(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block B, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{12} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_2)\) |
CBlockC | \(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block C, describing \(s_{123} (\to p_3 + s_{12} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_2))\) |
CBlockD | \(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block D, describing \(X + s_{134} (\to p_4 + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3)) + s_{256} (\to p_6 + s_{25} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_5))\) |
CBlockE | \(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block E, describing \(\hat{s} \to X + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3) + s_{24} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_4)\) |
CBlockF | \(\require{cancel}\) Final (main) Block F, describing \(q_1 q_2 \to X + s_{13} (\to \cancel{p_1} p_3) + s_{24} (\to \cancel{p_2} p_4)\) |
CBlockG | Final (main) Block G, describing \(X + s_{12} (\to p_1 p_2) + s_{34} (\to p_3 p_4)\) |
CBreitWignerGenerator | Generate points distributed according to a Breit-Wigner |
CBuildInitialState | Build the initial partons given the whole final state |
CConstant< T > | A module declaring a constant |
CCounter< T > | A module counting the number of entries in a vector |
CEmptyModule | |
CFlatTransferFunctionOnP | Flat transfer function on |P| (mainly for testing purposes) |
CFlatTransferFunctionOnPhi | Flat transfer function on Phi (mainly for testing purposes) |
CFlatTransferFunctionOnTheta | Flat transfer function on Theta (mainly for testing purposes) |
►CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergyBase | Helper class for Gaussian transfer function modules |
CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergy | Integrate over a transfer function on energy described by a Gaussian distribution |
CGaussianTransferFunctionOnEnergyEvaluator | Evaluate a transfer function on energy described by a Gaussian distribution |
►CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPtBase | Helper class for Gaussian transfer function modules |
CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPt | Integrate over a transfer function on Pt described by a Gaussian distribution |
CGaussianTransferFunctionOnPtEvaluator | Evaluate a transfer function on Pt described by a Gaussian distribution |
CLinearCombinator< T > | Performs linear combination of templated terms |
CLooper | A module looping over a set of solutions |
CLooperSummer< T > | A module performing a sum over a set of values |
CMatrixElement | Compute the integrand: matrix element, PDFs, jacobians |
CNarrowWidthApproximation | Use the Narrow Width Approximation (NWA) to reduce the dimensionality of the integration |
CPermutator | Apply random permutations to a set of inputs |
CPrinter< T > | A module printing the value of an input |
CPrinter< std::vector< T > > | Specialization of Printer for std::vector |
CSecondaryBlockA | \(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block A, describing \(s_{1234} \to ( s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to \cancel{p_1} + p_2) + p_3 ) + p_4\) |
CSecondaryBlockB | \(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block B, describing \(s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to \cancel{p_1} + p_2) + p_3 \) |
CSecondaryBlockCD | Secondary Block C/D, describing \(s_{12} \to p_1 + p_2\) |
CSecondaryBlockE | \(\require{cancel}\) Secondary Block E, describing \(s_{123} \to s_{12}(\to p_1 + p_2) + p_3 \) |
CSimpleCounter | A simple module counting the number of time it has been called |
CStandardPhaseSpace | Compute the phase space density for observed particles (not concerned by the change of variable) |
CUniformGenerator | Generate a random point uniformly in a user-set range |
CConfiguration::ModuleDecl | A module declaration, defined from the configuration file |
Cmomemta::ModuleDef | |
Cmomemta::registration::ModuleDefBuilder | |
Cmomemta::registration::ModuleDefBuilderReceiver | |
Cmomemta::ModuleRegistrationData | |
►Cmomemta::ModuleRegistryInterface | |
Cmomemta::ModuleRegistry | |
CMoMEMta | A MoMEMta instance |
Clogger::details::null_mutex | |
Cmomemta::gtl::nullopt_t | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_assign_base< copy_traits > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::copyable > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::movable > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_assign_base< copy_traits::non_movable > | |
►Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_assign_base< internal_optional::get_assign_copy_traits< T >()> | |
Cmomemta::gtl::optional< T > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::copyable > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::movable > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_ctor_base< copy_traits::non_movable > | |
►Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_ctor_base< internal_optional::get_ctor_copy_traits< T >()> | |
Cmomemta::gtl::optional< T > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_data_dtor_base< T, bool > | |
►Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_data_dtor_base< T > | |
►Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_data< T > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::optional< T > | |
Cmomemta::gtl::internal_optional::optional_data_dtor_base< T, true > | |
Clogger::ostream_wrapper | |
►CParameterSet | A class encapsulating a lua table |
►Clua::LazyTable | A specialization of ParameterSet for lazy loading of lua tables |
CLazyTableMock | |
CParameterSetMock | |
CParameterSetParser | |
Cmomemta::Particle | Describe a reco particle. Used as input of MoMEMta::computeWeights |
CPath | An execution path |
CPluginFactory< T > | |
CPluginFactory< Interface *(Args...)> | |
►CPluginFactory< Interface *(Args...)>::PMakerBase | |
CPluginFactory< Interface *(Args...)>::PMaker< PluginType > | |
CPool | |
CPoolContent | |
CPSGenerationTest | |
CPSGenerationTestManager | |
CSLHA::Reader | |
►Cruntime_error | |
Cinvalid_state | |
Clua::invalid_array_error | |
Clua::invalid_configuration_file | < Thrown if the configuration file is not valid |
Clua::unsupported_type_error | |
CModule::invalid_configuration | |
Cmomemta::incomplete_looper_path | |
Cmomemta::unresolved_input | |
CPool::constructor_tag_error | |
CPool::duplicated_tag_error | |
CPool::tag_not_found_error | |
CSLHA::invalid_card_error | |
Cmomemta::strings::Scanner | |
CSharedLibrary | |
►Clogger::sinks::sink | |
►Clogger::sinks::base_sink< Mutex > | |
Clogger::sinks::null_sink< Mutex > | |
Clogger::sinks::stdout_sink< Mutex > | |
CSolution | Generic solution structure representing a set of particles, along with its jacobian |
Cmomemta::StringPiece | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cis_string< std::string > | |
CValue< T > | A class representing a value produced by a module |
CValue< double > | |
CValue< LorentzVector > | |
CValue< SolutionCollection > | |
CValue< std::vector< LorentzVector > > | |
CValue< std::vector< T > > | |
►CValueProxy< T > | |
CIndexedValueProxy< T > | |
CNonIndexedValueProxy< T > | |
Cmomemta::Vertex | A vertex of the graph, symbolizing a module |