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* MoMEMta: a modular implementation of the Matrix Element Method
* Copyright (C) 2016 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Must be loaded before `momemta/Logging.h`, otherwise there's conflict between usage
// of `log()` and `namespace log`
#include <LHAPDF/LHAPDF.h>
#include <momemta/Logging.h>
#include <momemta/MatrixElement.h>
#include <momemta/MatrixElementFactory.h>
#include <momemta/ParameterSet.h>
#include <momemta/Math.h>
#include <momemta/Module.h>
#include <momemta/Types.h>
#include <momemta/Utils.h>
class MatrixElement: public Module {
struct ParticleId {
int64_t pdg_id;
int64_t me_index;
MatrixElement(PoolPtr pool, const ParameterSet& parameters): Module(pool, parameters.getModuleName()) {
sqrt_s = parameters.globalParameters().get<double>("energy");
use_pdf = parameters.get<bool>("use_pdf", true);
m_partons = get<std::vector<LorentzVector>>(parameters.get<InputTag>("initialState"));
const auto& particles_set = parameters.get<ParameterSet>("particles");
auto particle_tags = particles_set.get<std::vector<InputTag>>("inputs");
for (auto& tag: particle_tags)
const auto& particles_ids_set = particles_set.get<std::vector<ParameterSet>>("ids");
for (const auto& s: particles_ids_set) {
ParticleId id;
id.pdg_id = s.get<int64_t>("pdg_id");
id.me_index = s.get<int64_t>("me_index");
if (m_particles.size() != m_particles_ids.size()) {
LOG(fatal) << "The number of particles ids is not consistent with the number of particles. Did you"
" forget some ids?";
throw Module::invalid_configuration("Inconsistent number of ids and number of particles");
const auto& jacobians_tags = parameters.get<std::vector<InputTag>>("jacobians", std::vector<InputTag>());
for (const auto& tag: jacobians_tags) {
std::string matrix_element = parameters.get<std::string>("matrix_element");
const ParameterSet& matrix_element_configuration = parameters.get<ParameterSet>("matrix_element_parameters");
m_ME = MatrixElementFactory::get().create(matrix_element, matrix_element_configuration);
if (parameters.exists("override_parameters")) {
const ParameterSet& matrix_element_params = parameters.get<ParameterSet>("override_parameters");
auto p = m_ME->getParameters();
for (const auto& name: matrix_element_params.getNames()) {
double value = matrix_element_params.get<double>(name);
p->setParameter(name, value);
// PDF, if asked
if (use_pdf) {
// Silence LHAPDF
std::string pdf = parameters.get<std::string>("pdf");
m_pdf.reset(LHAPDF::mkPDF(pdf, 0));
double pdf_scale = parameters.get<double>("pdf_scale");
pdf_scale_squared = SQ(pdf_scale);
// Prepare arrays for sorting particles
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_particles_ids.size(); i++) {
indexing.push_back(m_particles_ids[i].me_index - 1);
// Pre-allocate memory for the finalState array
// Sort the array taking into account the indexing in the configuration
std::vector<int64_t> suite(indexing.size());
std::iota(suite.begin(), suite.end(), 0);
permutations = get_permutations(suite, indexing);
virtual void beginIntegration() {
// Don't assume the non-zero helicities will be the same for each event
// In principle they are, but this protects against buggy calls to the ME (e.g. returning NaN or inf)
virtual Status work() override {
static std::vector<LorentzVector> empty_vector;
*m_integrand = 0;
const std::vector<LorentzVector>& partons = *m_partons;
LorentzVectorRefCollection particles;
for (const auto& p: m_particles)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_particles_ids.size(); i++) {
finalState[i] = std::make_pair(m_particles_ids[i].pdg_id, toVector(particles[i].get()));
// Sort the array taking into account the indexing in the configuration
apply_permutations(finalState, permutations);
std::pair<std::vector<double>, std::vector<double>> initialState { toVector(partons[0]),
toVector(partons[1]) };
auto result = m_ME->compute(initialState, finalState);
double x1 = std::abs(partons[0].Pz() / (sqrt_s / 2.));
double x2 = std::abs(partons[1].Pz() / (sqrt_s / 2.));
// Compute flux factor 1/(2*x1*x2*s)
double phaseSpaceIn = 1. / (2. * x1 * x2 * SQ(sqrt_s));
double integrand = phaseSpaceIn;
for (const auto& jacobian: m_jacobians) {
integrand *= (*jacobian);
// PDF
double final_integrand = 0;
for (const auto& me: result) {
double pdf1 = use_pdf ? m_pdf->xfxQ2(me.first.first, x1, pdf_scale_squared) / x1 : 1;
double pdf2 = use_pdf ? m_pdf->xfxQ2(me.first.second, x2, pdf_scale_squared) / x2 : 1;
final_integrand += me.second * pdf1 * pdf2;
final_integrand *= integrand;
*m_integrand = final_integrand;
return Status::OK;
double sqrt_s;
bool use_pdf;
double pdf_scale_squared = 0;
std::shared_ptr<momemta::MatrixElement> m_ME;
std::shared_ptr<LHAPDF::PDF> m_pdf;
std::vector<int64_t> indexing;
std::vector<size_t> permutations;
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<double>>> finalState;
// Inputs
Value<std::vector<LorentzVector>> m_partons;
std::vector<Value<LorentzVector>> m_particles;
std::vector<ParticleId> m_particles_ids;
std::vector<Value<double>> m_jacobians;
// Outputs
std::shared_ptr<double> m_integrand = produce<double>("output");